
The Inaugural Black Identity Development Youth Conference

is an event that centers the intersections of Black youth in the Inland Empire. With the support of organizations like Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance, Youth Action Mentoring Network, BEAM, ClaYCounseling Solutions and many more, our hope is create an event that helps young Black people feel supported, seen and heard.


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Ten $1000 Scholarships Will Be Given Away!


Thank you for your interest in the inaugural Black Identity Development Youth Scholarship. This scholarship will help those entering college or aid with college expenses. Scholarships being offered are provided on behalf of sponsors including Youth Mentoring Action Network, The Borealis Foundation, WORTHI and Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance (RPYA)/Unity Hope. 


Those who identify as Black and are looking to attend any post-secondary educational institution or are currently enrolled in a post-secondary institution will be eligible. Eligible institutions include universities, colleges, technical schools, trade and vocational institutions. Those who work with Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance (RPYA) or any affiliated sponsoring organization are not eligible. 

Application Process 

All applicants will submit a 500 word essay about how they celebrate the intersections of their identity. This can include anything related to being Black and or queer, conversations on your relentlessness to improve your talents and or how you plan to continue to use your voice to make the Inland Empire a better place.

Another Option: You can use art as a form of narrative storytelling to convey the same topics of importance listed above.

Selection Process 

A Selection Committee made up of community leaders will judge the application and essay/art contents.

Scholarship Amount 

The amount to be awarded is $1000, provided by RPYA & Unity Hope. 


The scholarship will be paid directly to the recipient.  The funds may be used for application fees, tuition, room, board, books, or anything to help maintain your livelihood. 

For questions about the scholarship, please email


Application Deadline is Friday, January 9, 2024

Click on image at right for the schedule →

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